
We're here to help you teach for tomorrow.

Education is changing each and every day. There are new expectations, increasingly diverse populations in classrooms, and challenges that educators have never faced before. Educators are responding to population changing, changes in the approach to teaching and learning, and the integration of technologies. Being prepared for teaching of tomorrow means understanding the self, the learner, and improved practices for sustainable learning. This effort goes beyond just dealing with the challenges of teaching; it's also about building trust, strengthening ties with communities, and support for everyone involved in the education journey.

“It is time to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength.” – Maya Angelou

What is happening?

Research and day-to-day experiencing are informing the need for changes to education. An ineffective response to student diversity, workload demands, and technology integration has led to burnout of educators and lower quality education for students. To alleviate these stressors on the education system and the barriers they are imposing on student success, attention must be given to leadership development, communication skills, organizational culture, and public engagement.

Diversity in Student Need

We are becoming more aware of the many diversities of students but the support for a response is slow to follow.

Technological Integration

Inclusion of technology in the day-to-day, hybrid, and remote learning has added to educator responsibilities.

Workload and Administrative Demands

Additional demands and non-teaching responsibilities are reducing educators time to support students.

Mental Health and Well-being Concerns

Educators are experiencing high levels of stress, burnout, and a lack of support without adequate intervention.

Resources and Support

Limited, inaccessible, irrelevant, or unrealistic resources hinder the quality of education and ability for educators to respond to student needs.

Community Involvement

Partnerships with families and community groups is limited but can enhance the educational experience.

Who do we support?

  • K-12 Educators 
  • College & University Faculty and Staff
  • Child Care Workers
  • Remote/Virtual Educators
  • Parent Councils 
  • Pre-Service Educators
  • Youth Leaders
  • ECEs, ECAs, EAs & CYCs
  • Professional Development & Additional Qualification Institutions
  • Administrators, Specialists & Consultants
  • Adult Educators
  • Coaches, Liaisons, and Representatives
  • Volunteers & Team Leaders
  • Government Agencies

How We Can Help

We provide a range of services that help organizations with Leadership, Communication, and Culture. 

  • Communication Strategies/Skills
  • Everything Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility
  • Leadership Development
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Supporting International Students
  • Teaching Post-Pandemic

& more...

Our services are tailored to your needs. We work collaboratively with organizations to ensure we are building our programming and content to meet your needs. Looking for something different than the services listed? Connect with us. If we can't help, we can provide recommendations of who can!

Equity Audits


Data Collection

Incident Response

Executive Briefing







Takeaways & Benefits

Our curated training programs can support sustainable change within your organization. We will help develop equity, inclusion, and accessibility responses, improve communication skills, and develop leadership for long-term growth.

Organizations and learners will... 

Enhance Classroom Effectiveness

  • Be equipped with the knowledge (awareness), skills, and mindset to respond to diverse student needs.
  • Gain strategies to enhance the learning environment and implement inclusive teaching practices.

Improve Collaboration and Teamwork

  • Strengthen communication and collaboration skills to support colleague, student, and community relationships.
  • Engage in the development of cohesive and productive teams for mutual benefits and a shared outcome.

Be Adaptable to Change

  • Learn to navigate changes in curriculum, methodologies and policies.
  • Develop skills to effectively and sustainably respond to demands for change.

Increase Student Engagement and Connection

  • Develop more authentic relationships with improved leadership and communication skills.
  • Create environments that are supportive and encourage participation.

Learn Culturally Responsive Teaching Methods

  • Learn how to be culturally responsive in the classroom and all aspects of the educator/learner relationship.
  • Prepare for unique student needs for an inclusive, equitable, and accessible classroom.

Support Positive School Culture and Climate

  • Participate in planning for a strong, positive school culture.
  • Explore the ripple effect of change and how to foster community and collective purpose.

What are people saying?

We have worked with every and all types of educators (formal and informal) across Canada and the United States. Our training sessions have supported educators grow themselves and their practice. A post-learning survey allows participants to share anonymous feedback.


Knowledge & Expertise on Subject Matter


Engaging & Clear Training Sessions


Improved Knowledge & Skills


Realistic & Applicable to Role/Expectations

"We worked directly with Janelle Abela to provide asynchronous diversity training that would suit the needs of our workforce. Janelle was knowledgeable and extremely helpful in guiding us through the process. Janelle was careful to take an interest in the workplace, which allowed her to include some of our current challenges in the training to ensure a clear and concise message was delivered."

Anna Conflitti-Fanella, Executive Director, Latchkey Child Care & Learning Centre

"Janelle conducted impactful in-person training sessions on Teaching Post-Pandemic Learners, addressing critical topics such as understanding the status of learners, redeveloping relationships with students, employing reflective practice, and implementing remediation. She played a key role in both in-person and virtual sessions for the development and dissemination of the Educator Toolkit, focusing on diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility practices. Janelle consistently demonstrated expertise on topics provided and was extremely customer service oriented. I recommend Diverse Solutions for any leadership development programs that will improve leadership capability and promote workplace culture."

Lindi Prendi Ph.D, P.Eng, Executive Director, Academic Excellence & Quality Assurance, St. Clair College

"Janelle is an engaging and dynamic facilitator. Her educational philosophy reflects a deep commitment to a learner-centred approach. She has a strong commitment to social justice and brings learners along with her in a safe way."

Dr. Philip Allingham, Lakehead University

"In Janelle's engagements with students and faculty, she cultivates a constructive and thoughtful space within which to address controversial EDI issues and effectively draws upon her own experience as an educator to provide B.Ed. students with guidance on EDI areas that need further attention in their work. Her guest lectures have been among the highlights of my courses. During and afterward I received accolades from students regarding how effective she was in connecting to them and making the complex and daunting task of fostering an equitable and inclusive classroom for their Kindergarten–Grade 8 students seem feasible. She began by displaying vulnerability in relation to her own educational experiences, causing many students from a wide range of demographics to comment that they related to her story. This made her lecture more accessible and relatable, and I was excited to see numerous students subsequently describe how they plan to apply the techniques and approaches she recommended in their future teaching. While I had high expectations for her guest lectures, these expectations were exceeded with her truly powerful presentations."

Catherine Vanner, Ph.D., Faculty of Education, University of Windsor 

"Thank you for so many things today. I cannot begin to articulate everything I am grateful for yet because I am still unpacking. Thank you again for everything that you have given me today.  I hope to continue the work with a lot more confidence in my goals."

Nadine Draper, Teacher, Greater-Essex County District School Board

Get Started Today

Book a free consultation, ask us questions, or check if we have resources to help your organization.