Cohort E-Learning Program

The Best "IDEA"

Learn how to integrate the best Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) practices into personal, professional and academic spaces.

Applications Closed

Photo credit: Daryl Duda


Higher Innovation

Performance is 35% higher when IDEA exists.

Faster Problem Solving

Cognitive diversity offers more efficient critical thinking.

Better Decision Making

Diverse teams are 87% more effective than individuals.

Increased Hiring Results

More desirable workspace for recruitment, procurement, and retention.

Higher Employee Engagement

Heightened engagement due to feelings of inclusion.

Preventative Action

Decreased risk assessment in response to IDEA.

Increased Profits

Companies see 15 times more revenue and sales.

Competitive Advantage

Elevated organizational reputation and public perception.



This 6-month program will support the development of knowledge and skills related to inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility (IDEA).

  • Monthly Cohort Learning Sessions: 1.5 hour synchronous meetings to discuss learning, problem solve big issues, and dissect best practices. 

  • Monthly Learning Guides: Asynchronous learning and self-reflection activities building on the learning session. Approximately 5 hours per month + additional optional learning.

The program is scheduled to run from October 2022 – March 2023

Session 1: Introduction & The "How You Are"

Tentative date: October 5, 2022, Time TDB, Virtual (Zoom)

Starting with a self-reflection and a better understanding of personal social location, intersectionality and positionality, this session builds your lens. Stephen Covey once said, “we see the world, not as it is, but as we are – or, as we are conditioned to see it.” Before we dive into better understanding inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility, and our role within these concepts, we will learn as we are. 

Key terms: identity, intersectionality, power, privilege, status quo, dominant narrative, counter narrative, social location

Session 2: Big Concepts, Small Bites

Tentative date: November 2, 2022, Time TDB, Virtual (Zoom)

The -isms are overarching theories that allow us to better understand the way that society have marginalized certain groups in comparison to others. Racism, classism, sexism, heteronormativism, ableism and more, are concepts that situate some people in the other. Building on our knowledge of the self and potential conditioning that have influenced the way we see the world, this session explores -isms and how they interconnect to affect the way we interact, do business and learn.

Key terms: racism, colorism, tokenism, anti-semitism, sexism, ableism, ageism, classism, heteronormativism, elitism

Session 3: How do we know what we know?

Tentative date: December 7, 2022, Time TDB, Virtual (Zoom)

Deconstructing the dominant narrative, we seek to better understand who has written history as we know it any what their perspective or lens was while writing it. What are the motives or understanding of these people? How does narrative affect what we know or what we don't know? Examine how counter narratives were lost in translation or hidden from places of learning in your personal, professional and academic life and how these influence the decisions that you make today. 

Key terms: Dominant narrative, counter narrative, perspective, ideology, unconscious bias, conscious bias

Session 4: Big Wins and Blockers

Tentative date: January 11, 2023, Time TDB, Virtual (Zoom)

A brief account of the regional, state and national action related to IDEA and the current status for equity seeking groups. Understand the challenges that have been overcome by these groups to achieve their current status and what blockers continue to stand in the way of equity. These blockers will be investigated from the various systemic levels and interventions/strategies will be utilized to assess possible solutions. 

Key terms: Equity seeking groups, barriers, legislation, politics, religion, inequity

Session 5: Not So Performative Action

Tentative date: February 1, 2023, Time TDB, Virtual (Zoom)

Learn how to apply best practices in the most effective way. Understand the difference between an ally, accomplice, and co-conspirator to best determine where you are on your journey and where you want to go. An analysis of previous action, current action and potential action will best prepare you to implement change in an effective, respectful, just and appropriate way.

Key terms: Ally, accomplice, co-conspirator, justice, activist

Session 6: All Aboard & Debrief/Closing 

Tentative date: March 1, 2023, Time TDB, Virtual (Zoom)

Now that you have prepared yourself to continue your journey of change, it is time to prepare to bring others along. Learn to discuss the change journey with those in your personal, professional and academic circle. Practice conversational techniques and actions that you can integrate in your day-to-day that bring others along on your journey to bettering the world.

Key terms: language, conversation, debate, discussion, de-escalation


Janelle Abela, PhD(s), is a proud Black and South Asian woman who utilizes her privilege and experiences to fortify powerful changes in education and training. As an experienced educator, Janelle works to nurture the value of diversity by expanding content and current approaches. Janelle founded Diverse Solutions Strategy Firm Inc., after meeting like minded educators and finding it imperative that a realistic means of change is created outside of the progressive education system. Janelle works to create a mutual understanding between individuals that allows for respect and dignity, and integrates intersectionality. Janelle is an active philanthropist, business advisor, and educational consultant. Janelle is currently researching barriers to diversity, equity, and inclusion professional development.

Diverse Solutions was founded by educator, activist, and philanthropist Janelle Abela, PhD(s). Janelle’s goal is to create and enact progressive solutions that are responsive to intersectional needs in our globalized society. Diverse Solutions is dedicated to increasing attention to inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility (IDEA) within organizations and larger society, fostering stronger relationships and empowering changes. Janelle leads the team with an innovative vision built from her personal and academic experience. Diverse Solutions supports organizations through collaborative, step-by-step assessment, training, and on-going support. The firm focuses on interactive responses to IDEA related issues through a welcoming, just, and safe manner.


Diverse Solutions is committed to ensuring that the work being done is inclusive and responsive to intersectional needs. To support the process, Diverse Solutions has a team of experts for collaboration and inclusion of varying perspectives, ideas, and worldviews. Diverse Solutions has a core dedicated team (3) and a network of contracted specialists (10+) with a successful track record of supporting IDEA changes in the public and private sector. Combined, the team boasts more than 75 years of experience. Diverse Solutions was formally founded by Janelle Abela after four years of independent consulting and now includes team members from across North America. 

2022 Florida Keys Nonprofit Day

The "IDEA" of You

Over two hours, participants will explore and examine inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility (IDEA) for the individual – at the organizational level. In a world where we "think big" we might find ourselves overlooking the individual. As IDEA becomes a prominent expectation for organizations, you might find yourself asking: how? This workshop starts with the basics and builds your knowledge and skills that give the individual attention. Why do you want this in your organization? When IDEA is appropriately integrated into an organization there is an increase in recruitment, retention and procurement practices, top-line growth, problem-solving, decision-making and innovation! Don't be left behind as the world moves forward around you – learn about The "IDEA" of You and let's grow, together.

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